location: Guebwiller, France
year: 2017
status: Competition Europan 14
client: Europan 14, Guebwiller municipality and NSC Florival
program: Offices, workshops, ateliers, housing, retail, school, museum
GFA: 70,850 m2
budget: n/a
team: Lucia Zamponi, Filippo Nanni
Future, production and sharing economy are possible answers to a site where the original dynamics no longer exist. A productive and innovative hub taking place in the former NSC Florival industrial site offers the possibility to create a mix of users and functions. Locals, commuters, tourists will meet, work and share spaces and time together. It’s nowadays essential to preserve the history of the site while exploring the potentiality of the industrial heritage system, expressed in its urban morphology. A new civic dimension will be integrated in the former industrial context. The premises of its renewed attractiveness can be found on the essential element of the site, the productiveness. The masterplan provides a logistic axis, shared services, support spaces to install a productive hub. The site will take profit of the planned train station to become an attractive pole for Guebwiller and the surroundings cities. The possibility to find machinery, logistics, high specialized staff, ideas, spaces for promotion and art, will become an asset to attract people from different backgrounds and with different expectations.